Derek Holland and Cole Hamels || Hitcraft Series Lecture and Q&A

The Hitcraft Series at Battle Hall, presented by Warstic University featuring Derek Holland and Cole Hamels with special guest Ian Kinsler

As a hitter, have you ever wanted to know what pitchers think about us and how they plan their attack?

For our next Warstic University event at Battle Hall we are having a discussion about hitting, from the pitcher's perspective.

This Thursday January 27th at 7pm we invite you to attend Session 002 of Hitcraft Series, where we will grill former Texas Rangers Cole Hamels and Derek Holland about this very topic. Whether you are a hitter, a pitcher, parent or coach there is knowledge to be had, and the event is FREE. Our capacity is limited to 100 guests to be sure to RSVP quickly.

Following the conversation and Q&A at 8:15pm, Derek Holland will host a pitching clinic, sharing drills and insight from his 13 seasons in the majors. Only 15 spots available for players ages 11+, make sure to reserve your spot now!

*Parents do not need to RSVP*