The Warstic Pro Youth Squad
This is war.
You're thinking that I am the underdog.
That I am undersized, unranked, undrafted.
I say, "I am undiscovered, unfinished and underestimated."
And that’s what makes me dangerous.
I am a hunter of the baseball. Who are you to tell me what my ceiling is.
And right now I’m hungry. To learn, to compete.
I’m not here to showcase myself, I'm here to beat you.
I have clear sight and a thunderheart.
The past is over, the future is unwritten. It's time to hunt.
You say I'm the underdog. And I say, "I'm coming for you."
Gold. Black. ATTACK.
Meet the Squad
Bennett, Texas
How long have you been playing baseball? Since I was 2
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? First base, my teammates count on me.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? Catcher because my Dad played catcher.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? I get to make new friends playing baseball.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? I would change the home run record.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? Play in the front yard and go to games.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? I want a job where I help people.
What is your favorite team? Team Warstic
Who is your favorite player and why? Rougned Odor - I like his beard and he's dirty like me.
What other sports do you like to play? Soccer, football, & basketball.
What is a cause that is important to you? Helping people that need help.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Hitting home runs.
Johnny, California
How long have you been playing baseball? Since I was three years old.
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? First base, I like being able to stretch and dig balls out of the dirt. I like playing first base because I can make a lot of outs for my team.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? Catcher, it is my secondary position. I am learning as much as I can about how to play catcher the right way. I want to be able to be involved in every play and help control the game.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? It is a team sport. I like playing with my teammates and making new friends.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? Induct Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? Play video games with my friends.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? Enjoy life and spend time with my family & friends.
What is your favorite team? Los Angeles Angels
Who is your favorite player and why? Johnny Bench, he is the best catcher of all time. I am a big fan of the “Big Red Machine”. I want to catch and hit like him. We also share the same name and I picked my number after him.
What other sports do you like to play? Football and basketball.
What is a cause that is important to you? Ronald McDonald House of Charity Organization. Keeping families with sick children together and near the care and resources they need. I volunteered here with my sister’s travel team and had a great experience.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Missing my grandpa, who passed away last year. We were very close and spent a lot of time together. He attended my games and practices. He was my biggest fan. He was a woodworker and showed me how to work with wood. I know he is watching me from heaven.
Koby, Oklahoma
How long have you been playing baseball? Since I was 3 years old. 2 years of pre-teeball, 2 years of teeball, 2 years of coach pitch, and on my 2nd year of kid pitch.
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? Catcher and 2nd. I like being a catcher because I get to see the whole game.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? Short Stop because that's what Javier Baez plays.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? Traveling to tournaments in different places.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? Nothing.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? Basketball and powwow dancing.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? Coaching baseball.
What is your favorite team? LA Angels
Who is your favorite player and why? Mike Trout- I like how he plays outfield. Anthony Seigler- he's a catcher and Native American like me.
What other sports do you like to play? Basketball, Cross Country, Fancy Dancing, and Track. I used to play soccer and football too.
What is a cause that is important to you? To help disadvantaged kids learn the importance of baseball.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Reading!
Shaw, Texas
How long have you been playing baseball? 8 years
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? Shortstop, because I can be a leader of the team, using my athleticism to make the plays we need.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? If not short, then 2nd because I like to help get the double plays.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? My favorite thing is the hype/excitement when it all comes down to the last play to determine the game winner.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? I wouldn't change a thing.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? I love soccer outside of baseball.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? Wanna be a pro soccer player.
What is your favorite team? Padres
Who is your favorite player and why? Tatis Jr bc he is super athletic and even though he is young he can keep up with the big guys and leads the team.
What other sports do you like to play? I like soccer, football, and basketball.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Trying to not take coach's criticism as anything other than help for me to get better.
Russ, Louisiana
How long have you been playing baseball? I have been playing baseball for 7 years since I was 4 years old, on my first tee ball team.
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? I play outfield and my favorite part is throwing someone out who didn’t think I would release the ball fast enough or have the arm to get it there.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? I played second base at first and would like a chance to go back and play there.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? My favorite thing about baseball is having fun and playing with my friends.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? I wouldn’t change anything. Baseball is the best game in the world.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? I like to play other sports and practice.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you’re not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? When I can’t play baseball anymore, I want to be a vet and take care of animals.
What is your favorite team? My favorite team is the New York Yankees.
Who is your favorite player and why? My favorite player is Aaron Judge because he plays the same position I do, he is powerful, and fun to watch play.
What other sports do you like to play? I like to play football and basketball.
What is a cause that is important to you? I care about animals and have donated money and supplies to my local animal shelters.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? The biggest thing I struggle with is being one of the smallest kids on the field when I play. I feel like I am sometimes overlooked. It just makes me want to work harder to prove them wrong.
Ethan, Florida
How long have you been playing baseball? 5 1/2 years
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? I mainly play outfield and pitch. My favorite thing about playing outfield is that I'm one of the people they rely on to catch pop-ups or to get to the ball quickly so I can keep it in front of me and stop the runner from advancing on a ground ball. My favorite thing about pitching is the opportunity to set the pace of the game and to do my best to strike the batters out. I also like coming in and shutting down an inning.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? I sometimes play short and I like playing it because it’s one of the most important positions on the field and I’m involved in a lot more plays. What is your favorite thing about baseball? Competing against other teams. I’m a competitive person and I like having the chance to take what I work on in practices and lessons and use it on the field with my team.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? Umpires. Bring on the automated strike zones.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? I spend a lot of time working on my conditioning and speed and agility. I train four days a week going to classes and work on my own the rest of the time.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? I’d love to be a team manager - especially for the Yankees.
What is your favorite team? The Yankees
Who is your favorite player and why? Aaron Judge is my favorite player because he’s one of the best outfielders and he’s a great hitter too.
What other sports do you like to play? Ummm... I play wiffle ball? LOL I’m really focused on my baseball and conditioning. If I were to take on another sport it would probably be weightlifting.
What is a cause that is important to you? Making baseball available to everyone. It’s a pretty expensive sport and there are a lot of kids who want to play but their families can’t afford it.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? I struggle with my confidence when it comes to my hitting. Sometimes I get nervous or doubt my ability.
Lucas, Oklahoma
How long have you been playing baseball? I’ve been playing baseball for as long as I can remember, since I was about 3 years old. I used to ask my mom if it was time for my baseball game, before I was ever even old enough to sign up for a team. When I was 2, my favorite pair of shoes were this really small pair of baseball cleats.
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? I play first base and my favorite thing about that position is that I have a lot of opportunity to make awesome stretches and take away the batters chance to get on base. As a first base man, I really don't want anyone to advance beyond there, pick offs, digs, stretches, whatever it takes, I'm ready to do my part and help my teammates out, to get the job done.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? When I'm not playing 1b, I'm a LHP. I like to pitch because I want to strike players out and get in and out of that inning faster, so that I can get back to hitting.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? Im not sure that I can pick a favorite thing, I love it all. It's peaceful, it's intense, it can be everything all at once. It's similar to a chess match, and Im starting to enjoy that part of the game, wondering what the next move is going to be. If I absolutely had to pick a favorite thing, it would be smashing the ball! I love the sound, I love the power. I love using my Warstics to just absolutely crush the ball!
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? Funding. I don't know much about it yet but I know that the sport itself is expensive, and a lot of people don't have the simple things like even the proper gear to train with. I know that scholarships are handled differently for baseball and theres just not a lot of funding available at the college level, when other sports have more and that scholarships are limited. One of my goals is to earn a baseball scholarship and to continue playing this game that I love at the next level.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? I like to play a lot of different sports, like basketball, frisbee golf, and football, so that I can keep in shape and be ready to play baseball. I like to fish; bass, catfish, and my favorite is rainbow trout-they are so pretty. When I'm not doing that, I like to just run around the neighborhood with my friends and listen to music.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? I hope to be watching my kids play baseball, and using Warstic, the company that got me through it all, and watching them play other sports too. Taking them fishing, traveling, and spending time with my family and just be a great husband and a great dad. I hope to be involved in my community. I hope to always have something to do with baseball though, always.
What is your favorite team? My favorite team is my own team, I've got a great coach who really holds me accountable and tries to keep me consistent and helps me work hard to achieve my goals. My team is full of a great group of guys, we just click. Being surrounded by teammates who are respectful and just want to grind and love the game, makes a huge difference. My favorite MLB team is the STL Cardinals.
Who is your favorite player and why? Matt Holliday. I've liked him since I was a little kid, he's from my hometown. I like that he is a Christian and that his faith is important to him. I like what he was able to do on the field, he had a lot of hitting power, and he's just someone that I grew up watching. He was always a great team player and had a lot of positive view points.
What other sports do you like to play? I like to play basketball, and I'm always up for a game of football with my friends. I'm good with playing any sport really, pickle ball, ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf, it doesn't matter to me. I just like to compete.
What is a cause that is important to you? To stop bullying. I'm a bigger guy and I've always tried to stop bullying as much as I can, rather than start it. Bullying can destroy someone and it can have long term effects. I've even had past coaches who were bullies, and it took a lot of support to put that behind me and move on from it all. Bullying is a huge problem in our world, it's not just kids, it's even adults. I don't know if people are even aware of how their actions and words can effect others. We all just need to treat each other how we want to be treated and choose to be kind. In the baseball world even, why can't we all just choose to celebrate a players success rather than try to tear them down and trash talk them for something they are able to accomplish, even if it's something you yourself can't do. Baseball is such a mental sport. Be mindful of how you treat others and stay positive.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? The biggest thing that I struggle with personally, is probably confidence. My confidence can change day to day and I need to get better at being more consistent with it and to learn how to control it and stay confident, and trust my training, no matter what the task is. If I know that I've prepared for it, then I should trust my training and be confident with my abilities.
Shep, Texas
How long have you been playing baseball? 11 years
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? I play catcher and I love it because it is almost like a quarterback on football-you are calling pitches and seeing the entire field.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? 3rd base because I can utilize my arm for the long throw to 1st.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? My favorite thing is the hype/excitement when it all comes down to the last play to determine the game winner.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? I wouldn't change a thing.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? I love playing football.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? I hope to be a coach someday, in football or baseball.
What is your favorite team? Detroit Tigers
Who is your favorite player and why? Adrian Beltre, all time fav player. He is so funny and so good-he just has fun playing baseball.
What other sports do you like to play? Football and tennis.
What is a cause that is important to you?Strength and conditioning for youth athletes.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Frustration tolerance sometimes, I need to be able to shrug things off.

Ashton, Illinois
How long have you been playing baseball? I began playing baseball 8 years ago at the age of 6 for The Little Sluggers. I then transitioned from The Little Sluggers to the Park District and then the Lou Collier Stars Travel Baseball Team. I currently play for the JM Prospects in Chicago, IL.
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? I am a catcher and my favorite thing about the position is the leadership, responsibility and involvement in every play. My teammates rely on me every game for information about our opponent because I am the only player with a view of the entire field. I also enjoy studying each batter. Being a catcher has allowed me to understand how to call the game and where to move the defense on the field. Being a catcher is like being a general on the battle field because I have to predict the opponent’s moves and come up with a counter attack.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? If I were to play another position besides catching, I would be a pitcher. This is because I enjoy being in a one on one matchup with the batter and I would have a wide variety of weapons to choose from on every pitch.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? My favorite thing about baseball is the feeling you get when you hit well or have a good game overall. Baseball is a game of failure so when you succeed, those moments are even more special. An additional aspect of baseball that I love is its inconsistency. You can go 0-4 one day and then come back the next day and go 3-4 with a home-run, and throughout all of this, you have to stay poise.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? If I could change one thing about baseball, I would give players more freedom. I would let them wear whatever cleats they wanted to wear and allow players to celebrate how and when they want to during the games. I believe this would make baseball more fun and exciting to play and watch. I believe bat flips and even pitchers celebrating after a strike out should be permitted as well players being able to express their style on the field through accessories. I would also like to see more African American catchers in the game because I think it is the best position in baseball.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? My favorite thing to do outside of baseball is to watch and argue about football. I am a Cleveland Browns fan and I watch every single game of the year. Most of my friends are fans of different NFL teams so during football season we are able to watch and debate about games together. I also enjoy riding bikes with my friends around my neighborhood. All of my friends play sports so they understand and relate to the hard work and time that has to be put in.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? When I am not able to play baseball anymore, I want to be a broadcaster, more specifically, one who gets to go into the dugouts and talk with the players and coaches. I want to stay around the game for as long as I can so that I can keep learning and never be separated from baseball. Another thing I would want to be is a scout for a team because I would have the opportunity to see all the new young talent and the future of MLB.
What is your favorite team? My favorite team in the MLB is the Cleveland Indians because both my parents are from Cleveland so I grew up supporting them and going to their games. However, my second favorite team is the White Sox because I was born and raised in Chicago.
Who is your favorite player and why? My favorite player in the MLB is Francisco Lindor because he plays baseball to have fun and not just for money. He also puts 150% into everything and he always does it with a smile on his face, hence his nickname, “Mr. Smile”. His playing style is also very smooth and he makes his skill and talent look effortless.
What other sports do you like to play? Other sports that I like to play are flag football, soccer, Kung Fu, and track. I play these sports every year to help activate different muscles that I do not use in baseball and to give the ones I most often use a break. Additionally, I enjoy the competition from these sports.
What is a cause that is important to you? A cause that is very important to me is climate change. It has become such a political debate over the years but I think that humans need to know that it is real and it is happening and we collectively have to be proactive in taking better care of our planet. I believe if we do not do something to stop it now, all of our lives will be drastically changed and it will be too late to repair the damage to our environment.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? The biggest struggle for me in life is balancing everything I do. School is always first priority and then baseball follows. I have to miss some things with my friends depending on my baseball schedule and how much homework I have but I keep a really detailed planner so I know what I have to get done and how long it will take. This way I stay organized and my priorities are always together.
Shane, Texas
How long have you been playing baseball? 13 years
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? Catcher, favorite thing is being able to see the entire field and being a leader for my team.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? I’d play 1st because it has a lot of the same responsibilities as catcher.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? The fact that it is a team sport and an individual sport at the same time.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? I would use wood bats more in youth games.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? Play in the front yard and go to games.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? I hope to one day have my engineering and/or business degree so I can have wide range of career paths.
What is your favorite team? Detroit Tigers
Who is your favorite player and why? Daniel Norris, amazing person and love the lifestyle he lives.
What other sports do you like to play? Football
What is a cause that is important to you? Health and wellness for teenagers.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Time management
Josh, Dallas
How long have you been playing baseball? For as long as I can remember.
What position do you play and what is your favorite thing about that role on your team? I’m a corner infielder, at third. I like how every ball hit to me is a quick reaction, you never have to think too much about how to play it, and I like first because I’m able to pick my other infielders up, if my shortstop gets a great backhand and puts it in the dirt, I want to have his back by picking that ball, this builds a trust among the infielders and allows all of us to play better, because I have their backs.
If you could choose to play another position, what would it be and why? Shortstop, who doesn’t want to play short? It's usually where the best athlete on the field is. Lots of difficult plays to make that takes another level of athleticism.
What is your favorite thing about baseball? It is the best sport, it’s so complex.
If you could change one thing about the game of baseball, what would it be? I don’t really think there’s anything to change about it.
What do you like to do outside of baseball? I like to lift.
Looking far ahead into the future, when you're not able to play baseball, what do you hope to be doing? I hope to have a good job, I will be a business marketing major in college, so right now I am focused on that.
What is your favorite team? Cincinnati Reds
Who is your favorite player and why? Michael Lorenzen, he goes against the grain a little bit, many say pitchers aren’t supposed to be that strong, but he is, and he throws 100. His mission is so much bigger than baseball too, he’s looking to have a much bigger impact on others, rather than just making money and collecting accolades for himself. That fuels his work, if it weren’t for wanting to help others, he would not be as inspired to better himself mentally and physically.
What other sports do you like to play? Only baseball.
What is a cause that is important to you? Jesus. Jesus has changed my life and I hope many others can find him and have their lives changed by him as well. There’s no task he cannot do, there is nobody that he is incapable of saving.
What is the biggest thing you struggle with? Injuries, since junior high I’ve had bad arm issues, I’m starting to figure it out though. I was diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome and I need a top rib removal surgery so blood and nerves can flow in my arm fully again. I am looking forward to being able to play without pain and I am looking forward to see what I accomplish.